Dream Big Dreams


Dream Big Dreams

Format: Hardcover,

Paperback, eBook

Pages: 34

Australia | USA | UK


ISBN: 978-1-949247-23-7 (USA)

ISBN: 978-1-949247-29-9 (UK/AU)


ISBN: 978-1-949247-24-4 (USA)

ISBN: 978-1-949247-2-82 (UK/AU)


ISBN: 978-1-949247-2-75 (USA)

ISBN: 978-1-949247-3-05 (UK/AU)

Where will your dreams take you tonight?

When it’s time to snuggle in, this beautiful story is sure to fill every child with a sense of wonder.

A rhyming, inspirational journey to lull little ones to sleep, and spark a bright future where a splash of imagination and a dash of effort can make anything possible.

space teddy graphic

Recount special moments from the day, then journey into a wondrous sleep where inspiration and creativity come alive to spark the imagination!

Snuggle in for bedtime and DREAM BIG DREAMS…